Yes, I am still alive. Yes, I know that I have fallen off of the Blogosphere and haven't posted anything in 7 months. It's not that I haven't had anything to write about...because sheesh a lot has happened. It's just that I forgot the importance of the written word, the value of writing things down, and the impact that stories can have on others. Now, don't get me wrong. I am not saying that my words are important, valuable, and make an impact on all of you who still read this (thanks for hanging in there). What I am saying is that I realized that it is important to me. I like to share my stories, recipes, failures, and successes so that my family and I can look back on them and remember the good along with the bad. I stopped writing because I lost sight of my word's worth. Thanks to this FANTASTIC book, I remembered that my opinions, values, thoughts, and beliefs do matter and that I need to write them down.
So I'm baa-aaack. Not everyday, maybe not every week or even month. Just when I have something worth writing about. The Rent Collector by Camron Wright is worth writing about and definitely worth reading!
The Rent Collector is about a young mother who lives in the largest waste dump in Cambodia. It is not about where you live, but how you live. It is about finding hope and rising above your circumstances. It is about the value of literacy and the written word. Even in a dump where worthless things are thrown out, treasures are found and seemingly worthless people are befriended and treasured as well.
It helped me to see that amid my posts that I see as being worthless and garbage because of my imperfections and insecurities, there are treasures to learn and that I need to write them down and share. So in the next few posts I will try to catch up on the last 7 months.
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