Yesterday, I posted about how Aaron's anger is like
kryptonite to drains me of all of my mom powers. This week I am trying to find solutions to help Aaron cool down before exploding. I found a great activity from
The Potentially Sane Mother's Guide to Raising Young Children by Tamara A. Fackrell...a great book with lots of creative ideas for teaching children life lessons. I sat down with Aaron and we talked about how anger is like a balloon. It went a little something like this:
"Aaron, I want you to to think about what makes you angry or mad. For each thing I want you to blow into your balloon"
Aaron said things like "Having to go to my room", "Being teased", "Not being able to do what I want to do". After each item, he would blow into his balloon until it was full of "hot air". My husband kept adding things to it also until the balloon eventually exploded (Aaron and I were too scared to have the balloon pop in our faces). We talked about how this balloon is like anger and if we let things that upset us build up, we will eventually explode.

I then had Aaron blow up his balloon again after naming things that trigger his anger. When the balloon was full we talked about ways to let the anger out before we pop. After each item - like count to 10, walk away, take deep breaths, and find something else to do - Aaron would let out a little bit of "hot air" from his balloon. When the balloon was half full, we tied it closed. I gave Aaron a pin and told him to pop his balloon by poking the pin in the opposite end of the tie (usually a little darker in color). He was hesitant but he did it and the balloon did not pop. He thought that was pretty cool! We talked about how doing those things that reduce anger help us so that we don't explode and lose control of our emotions.
Aaron and I made the code word of "balloon" that I will say to him when I notice that he needs to let off some steam. This was a great way to explain anger to him. We had a great talk and I hope that it helps Aaron triumph over his anger.
For Tuesday's Triumph #2, my blog is featured today on Friendly Tuesday at seven thirty three - a creative blog. Check it out!

For those of you just joining my blog...I hope that you will find some ideas to help you enJOY your kids and motherhood more!
That is a really great idea. I have the same issues with Kailey, but she is 3 1/2 so I have been trying to patiently wait it out. But, when I might just have to try this. I don't know if she will understand, but at this point I am willing to try anything! Thanks for sharing this awesome idea!!
Hi! I am now following you thanks to Welcome Wednesday and it would be nice if you could share back the love here and maybe see what I've learned about blogs!
Happy Welcome Wednesday!
That is really a wonderful idea. We have been having a lot of anger issues with our 7 year old, maybe we should try this. Thanks for the information!
I am a new follower from Welcome Wednesday, so glad to have found your blog. Hope you have a wonderful Wednesday!
That'a great idea. Following you..Pls follow me back @, when you get the chance.
I am your newest follower from Wednesday Friends Day! Your blog looks great! When you get a chance hop over to see my blog and follow me back! Thanks!
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