Do you see the tile above the jumbled mess? ..."Please AIM to keep the bathroom clean" Ha, ha, ha ya right! Between hair stuff and boys who don't know how to "aim", this bathroom is a disaster! So today I tackled the hair accessories ( I will save the aiming problem for another day).

I took one ribbon the length of the door and simply stapled the top and the bottom of it to the inside of the door to hang the flower clips on.
(I must confess that is wasn't that simple to pull the trigger on the staple gun...I was terrified of that thing. But I did it, triumph #2)

The headband hangup is the same idea except I added loops for the headbands to go through. To make the loops, I sewed another ribbon on top of the "foundation" ribbon in one inch increments with a loop in between the stitching. I then stapled it to the other door.
Here is the after picture: hopefully this solves the first part of our aiming to keep the bathroom clean problem. Stay tuned for the second half of the problem...any great ideas???
Oh, that is such a cute idea!!
Great idea! Jamie has something similar for her girls. About the other about drawing a target on the bottom of the toilet. Maybe they could try to get a bullseye? j/k
That is a problem at my house too. I need to make a solution like you.....we will see......
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