Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Hairy Haircuts

When Eric and I were engaged, he surprised me with some very bad news...that he wanted me to cut his hair like his mom had been doing his entire life....GULP...Will this man still marry me if I can't cut his hair right??  His mom showed me how and luckily he married me (his mom cut his hair for our wedding so that he at least looked presentable for that).  I should also say that I still married him despite this dreaded task...cutting hair is a stressful experience for me and I really don't like to do it.  But I grit my teeth, take a deep breath, oil the clippers, and hack away.  The frugal side of me wins the convenient side on this one.  I now cut Eric's, Aaron's, and Nathan's hair about every 2-3 months.  At about $10 a haircut, this is saving us about $150 per year...soon to be $200 when Travis gets thrown into the mix.

Here is what my poor boys look like before their haircuts...yes I wait until the very last possible moment to cut hair - when it is so long that people start calling Nathan a girl, and Eric and Aaron start complaining.  Notice the sad faces...are they sad because they hate their hair this way, or because they know what is coming...a frustrated wife/mom who makes them sit still as hair flies into their mouths and eyes and my non-professional clippers scrape across their heads??

Yeah, we made it through another haircut without cutting an ear or buzzing too high.  Happy day, we are free from those clippers for another 2 months (3 if I can push it that long).  I have happy boys again because they survived...my face on the other side of the camera is 10 times more happy because the haircuts are over with...at least for now.

If you are interested in cutting your boy's hair from home there are lots of tutorials on the internet...here is one that I found on how to give a boy a haircut using clippers.  I know that I made it sound so incredibly fun (can you sense the sarcasm?) but like I said...I think that the good outweighs the bad.  Saving money vs. the convenience...you decide.

Tip:  here is one thing that I learned from experience....DO NOT give your little boy a sucker to eat as an attempt to help him hold still during his haircut.  The cut hair will stick all over the sucker and create a VERY frustrated little boy.


Shaun&jennifer said...

I have forgotten the guard twice when cutting Shaun's hair, and the first time I skunked him. I stupidly stared in the middle of the back of his head...needless to say I sent him to get it fixed by a pro. The next time I was WAY pregnant and had no brain, he lived with the ultra short hair.

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