Sunday, October 3, 2010

Having a Prophet, We Have Everything

I am so grateful to have a living prophet today on the earth. I love President Monson, and I have loved listening to him, as well as the apostles and other leaders, these last two days during General Conference.
President Hinckley said: "How thankful we ought to be, how thankful we are, for a prophet to counsel us in words of divine wisdom as we walk our paths in these complex and difficult times. The solid assurance we carry in our hearts, the conviction that God will make His will known to His children through His recognized servants, is the real basis of our faith and activity. We either have a prophet or we have nothing; and having a prophet, we have everything."
 Amos 3:7 - Surely the Lord God will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servants his prophets.

What a comfort it is to me to know that our prophet, President Monson, is a true prophet. Just as Moses, Noah, Abraham, and all of the other prophets of old, he is the Lord's prophet for us today to lead and direct us. If we follow his counsel and direction, we will have everything in the end!


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