Motherhood matters to me. I am so grateful for all of the influential mothers in my life. I am SO grateful to be a mother! In today's Wednesday's Words I have included several quotes about mothers, a link to the Motherhood Matters blog where you will find more inspiring quotes and great Mother's Day ideas, and a funny little extra link to an article about the regrets we have as new mothers.
"Few of us will reach our potential without the nurturing of both the mother who bore us and the mothers who bear with us." – Sheri L. Dew
“We should no longer allow a mother to be defined as ‘just a mom.’ It is on her back that great nations are built. We should no longer allow any woman’s voice to be drowned out or disregarded. As we affirm other women, and as we teach our sons, husbands and friends to hold them in the highest regard, we honor both the mothers whose shoulders we’ve stood on and the daughters who will one day stand tall on ours.” (Oprah)
Motherhood Matters is a campaign to inspire, encourage, and remind ourselves why motherhood matters. More than just a stage of life marked by the presence of children, we are celebrating motherhood as a way of life that empowers our best selves. The dictionary defines a mother as a female parent, yet we all know female parents who are not mothers and we know mothers who are not parents. The true definition of a mother is a woman who teaches, inspires, nurtures and loves those she comes into contact with.
Need a laugh,
here is a funny article
Now, all you moms, grandmas, aunts, and friends out there, pat yourselves on the back. We may not be perfect. We may have stretch marks and weak bladders. We may have a few regrets. But...we are not "just moms". What we do matters!
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