Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Babies don't keep

After surviving Monday, my "Tuesday's Triumph" post will focus on something that has brought me joy or an accomplishment in my family.

Ahhh, heaven!  I just had a glorious nap with my 6 week old baby curled up in my arms.  There is nothing better than that!  (Well maybe holding my sleeping baby while eating ice cream which I did as well...giggle, giggle)  I know this cuddly stage won't last much longer and pretty soon he will turn into a teething monster and then a toddler that gets into everything, and then a temper tantrum two year old, and then an over-opinionated three year old, and then.......I digress, I guess that each stage has its fun things too, but I LOVE the newborn stage when they just curl up and sleep.  So today I took full advantage of this fleeting moment and left my dirty dishes in the sink and just held him for as long as I possibly could.  Downstairs I have an embroidered poem that my grandma stitched hanging on my wall.  It says:
"Cleaning and scrubbing can wait till tomorrow...for babies grow up we've learned to our sorrow...so quiet down cobwebs...dust go to sleep...I'm rocking my baby and babies don't keep!!"  
 Thanks for the advice Grandma!!  It made my day!


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