Sunday, May 23, 2010

Pep-talk from President Hinckley

I think that as women, we have a tendency to get really down on ourselves and to be too hard on ourselves - I know that I am! I remember one Saturday I was feeling like I was not a very good mother and wa-wa-wa, poor me. I went to Women's Conference that night and heard a talk from President Hinckley that turned my attitude around completely. I love President Hinckley, he just had a way of making me smile and feel good about myself. Here are some parts of that talk that lifted me up. If you want to read the entire talk, it is in the November 2003 Ensign called "To the Women of the Church."

"Well, you dear women, I say thanks to you. Thank you for being the kind of people you are and doing the things you do. May the blessings of heaven rest upon you. May your prayers be answered and your hopes and dreams become realities.....You are doing the best you can, and that best results in good to yourself and to others. Do not nag yourself with a sense of failure. Get on your knees and ask for the blessings of the Lord; then stand on your feet and do what you are asked to do. Then leave the matter in the hands of the Lord. You will discover that you have accomplished something beyond price.....Walk with pride. Hold your heads up. Work with diligence. Do whatever the Church asks you to do. Pray with faith. You may never know how much good you accomplish. Someone’s life will be blessed by your effort."


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