Monday, January 17, 2011

I Can't Do It All!

Yesterday I shared a scripture that said that it is not requisite that we should run faster than we have strength. I need to slow down. Sometimes I get so overwhelmed when I think about all that I need to do and what I should be doing. But, you know, I can't do it least not today. Because when I try, I realize that those are the days that I haven't taken the time to play with my kids, to spend time with my husband, to stop and enjoy the sunset, to take some time for myself. Those are the days that I am short tempered, that I am impatient with my kids because they are getting in the way of my to-do-list. Those are the days that I feel like a chicken with my head cut off, that I feel like it was a "marathon" of a day because I am running faster than I have strength. So...
  • I don't need to get all of the laundry done that even it ever done?
  • I don't need to clean the bathroom right soon as I clean it it is dirty again anyway.
  • I don't need to lose the 10 pounds that I really want gone in a month or may take a year.
  • I do need to stop and really listen to what my kids have to say.
  • I do need to get down on the floor to play with my kids.
  • I do need to laugh and smile and enjoy being with my family.
  • I do need to take time to be a friend.
But you know what...I don't need to do it all today!!! I am tired of "running". Sometimes its just nice to slow down and enjoy the goodness of life!


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