For those of you who have been reading this blog (thank you by the way), you probably have gathered that I am a freak about journaling. I just celebrated another birthday and to carry on the tradition I want to post some stories out of my childhood journal...yes, my obsession started young and my spelling was terrible even back then. These are some funny stories that I read as I was flipping through my life. I am so glad that I wrote things down because I would have forgotten them.
7 years old - "Big cabin trip! Our 30th year! Dad, Mom, John, and me were the first ones to arrive. John and Dad went fishing while me and Mom put signs and decorations up all around the cabin. When we got through, Grandma and Grandpa got there. The big inner tube we used to go tubing in had a big hole in it. Grandma and Grandpa brought there VCR and TV so we could see movies. By that night everone had arrived at the cabin. During the week that we were there we went swimming, played games, watched movies, did activities, and rode the 3-wheelers. Grandpa fixed the tube and Rachel and I and Karen and Dad went tubing down the creek. Dad fell in a few times and even lost the pole to steer with. Later in the week Scott came and took me and Rachel on a helicopter ride in Jackson. We had a lot of fun. Rachel and I giggled our heads off. Sometimes the helicopter dived down."

12 years old - "It's the 6th grade Valentine's dance - my first dance! I wore one of my dresses that I got for my birthday. But wouldn't you know my hair didn't go! It looked pretty bad! It lasted for about one hour
(the dance, not the bad hair day...that has lasted my whole life) and it wasn't how I planned it to be. Most of the dances were slow - which I hate. And some of the boys wouldn't even dance. We had to fill out dance cards. I had to ask some boys to dance - Yuk! My favorite dance was with Bobby. But he was shorter than me!"
(Now you see what I mean about the bad hair day...what was I thinking? Gotta love the perms!)
16 years old - "SWEET 16! I can't believe I'm 16! This is so wierd! I don't feel like I should be this old. I got my license today - STAY OFF THE ROADS! I look like a freak - but that's ok, I can drive! (Now all I need is a car to go with it). I had to go through a semester of totally worthless Drivers Ed - That reminds me - one day John asked me why they call Drivers Ed - Drivers Ed and not Drivers Joe. It was so funny! Anyway...after dirvers ed, I had to do the stupid simulators (they are like trying to drive a washing machine) then go on the range and then go on the road - I got 87% on my drivers test that I took yesterday. I also had a practice permit for 3 months where I could only drive with mom of dad. But it was all worth it because I'm Free!
For my present, my cousins and our moms and grandma are going to San Francisco to see Phantom of the Opera. I can't wait! My mom had our neighbor dress up as the Phantom and read us a poem and gave us roses. It was so neat! So I will keep you posted on that.
I'm still waiting for a date so I will tell you everything when I do (if I ever do). I hope it is Spencer...the nicest guy I have ever met! Keep your fingers crossed! I can't believe I'm actually 16!"
19 years old - "Finals are here - Stress! They went ok though. Timmie and I were studying in the upper lounge and Tara, Erica, and Cassy came up (this was at 2:00 in the morning) and started dancing on the furniture. They had their hair in pigtails, bright blue eye shadow, blush, leg warmers, stretch pants and their shirts tucked into their bras. It was hilarious! We were laughing so hard that our RA came in. She probably thinks that we are the strangest girls alive!"
"A week before a dance we got "Q-ed" or quarenteened when we can't have guys over for a whole week - talk about torture! We made the most of it though. We made a huge poster on our door with a huge Q on it then T's in the middle - so it said that we are Q-T's (cuties) instead of Q'ed. Now we have it hanging up in our living room and we have all the guys that come over sign it.
Wow, college is an adventure! I love it. I am having the time of my life. College life is great! We are the biggest dorks, but that's ok because we make it fun. I don't want this year to end, I don't want all of the friends that I have made go their sepperate ways. I just want things to stay like they are, but I quess life goes on!"
Life does go on, and I even got to keep one of those college friends forever; my best friend, Eric.